It’s a common misconception that homes located in northern climates are unable to get a new garage floor coating in the winter. This is simply untrue…provided you use the right type of garage floor coating.

With a polyaspartic floor coating, you have a lot more flexibility in terms of when it can be used. Its year-round usability is just one of several advantages that polyaspartic coatings have over epoxy coatings.

As you’ll discover, there’s no need to wait until the weather warms up in the spring to enjoy the benefits that a new garage floor coating provides.

There are even a couple of advantages to having your damaged floor rejuvenated with a polyaspartic garage floor coating in the winter.

1. Cold temperatures won’t delay your garage floor project

To apply an epoxy garage floor coating, a minimum temperature of 50-55° F (10-13° C) is required. Urethane garage floor coatings require a minimum temperature of 40° F (4° C) to be applied. That significantly restricts the times of year they can be used on garage floors located in colder climates.Getting a garage floor coating in the winter isn’t a problem when this high quality product is used for the job. That’s because we have access to garage floor coatings that we use can be applied in temperatures as low as -22° F (-30° C).

We can carry out flooring projects during the colder weather by making adjustments, based on the temperature, of the mixture and materials used.

The application versatility of polyaspartic coatings also lets them be used when the temperatures are blazing hot. That means even when the temperature rises as high as 104° F (40° C), a polyaspartic garage floor coating application can be done.

Colder temperatures do affect how long the curing time for the floor top coat takes. It can range anywhere from 8-24 hours before foot traffic can resume and between 24-96 hours before vehicles can use your garage again.

Our AP Painting Solutions Coating Epoxy Specialist will let you know how climate factors will affect the curing time for your particular garage flooring project.

2. A garage floor coating in the winter has the same quality

Getting a polyaspartic garage floor coating in the winter provides you with the same level of flooring surface quality as a floor that’s done when the weather is warmer.

You’ll still get a durable, attractive floor surface that’s easy to maintain and provides the following benefits:

  • a UV stable topcoat that prevents the floor from fading and yellowing over time
  • exceptional impact and abrasion resistance
  • highly resistant to most household chemicals and automotive fluids
  • guaranteed not to blister, flake, or peel
  • ability to customize floor with a range of available colours
  • textured surface provides better traction than epoxy floor coatings

3. Get your new garage floor quicker

Now that you’re educated about the fact that getting a garage floor coating in the winter is indeed possible in colder climates, you can use that information to your advantage.

Because many people presume they need to wait until the spring or summer to get their floors redone, the lead time to book a garage flooring project is actually shorter in the winter.

Our work crews aren’t quite as overwhelmed with scheduled projects as they are during the warmer months of the year. That means the time between booking your initial design consultation and the flooring project being completed will typically be shorter in the winter than during the spring and summer months.

4. Protect your floors from damaging road salt

Road salt brought in to your garage on your vehicles during the winter leaves ugly white salt stains on the floor. The salt can also take a real toll on your garage floor’s durability over a long period of time.

That’s because melted salt mixed with water from rain and melted snow gets down into the floor’s cracks and then refreezes again when the temperature drops. This puts extra stress on the natural expansion and contraction process that a garage floor experiences with changes in temperature. Over a period of time, the floor will be more likely to crack and existing cracks will only get longer and deeper.

Getting a polyaspartic coating applied before the winter begins provides you with the best protection for your garage floor. But even getting a garage floor coating any time before winter ends can save your floor from the ravages of road salt.

Even with durable protection, garage floors still need to be cleaned occasionally during the winter months. An epoxy floor coating makes it even easier to maintain a clean floor during the winter and all throughout the year.

5. Enjoy a better-looking garage floor

Making the decision to get your garage floor coating in the winter means you’ll get to enjoy a better-looking garage floor that much sooner.

A new garage floor, especially one with the aesthetic benefits that the decorative flakes are used in the epoxy coating application process provide, can have a huge impact on a garage’s overall look.

You’ll have a fresh, durable garage floor surface that’s all ready to take on the heavier foot traffic that comes with the increased usage of your garage when the warmer spring weather arrives.

Call AP Painting Solutions Ltd. to Make an Appointment to quote your project’s needs.

If you’re waiting patiently for Windsor, Ontario’s finest commercial painting and Epoxy Coatings, Contact us here at AP Painting Solutions Ltd.
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