Epoxy Floor Coating in your office and business

Epoxy floor coating is made of epoxide resin, polyamine hardener and other additives. It is often used as an adhesive, when not used as a floor coating. As it is mixed, it forms a chemical reaction that gives your floor distinct qualities. It is not to be confused with regular floor paint. One of its most important qualities is that this chemical reaction produces new stability and endurance in the surface. This process seals and cures the surface it is applied to, while forming a firm bond.

Bear in mind that almost every floor solution has some disadvantage or the other and it can be challenging to find a flooring solution that can stand the test of time and be resistant to chemicals, spills, and stains. Epoxy flooring is a great choice that addresses a number of needs and from our perspective at AP Solutions, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, and can be done for both home and work spaces. It is the flooring of choice for many dental offices and veterinary clinics amongst other businesses due its longevity, visual appeal, and ease of cleaning.

For both the home and office, epoxy flooring has many advantages, these being:

  1. Appearance and Covering Defects. Epoxy floor coatings have the power of transforming spaces into very sleek areas. Maybe your garage is part of your home-based business or you might want to give it a spruced-up makeover. An epoxy floor coating will produce an elegant look. The shiny surface complements any decorative lighting you have in place. As light bounces off the epoxy, the space will gain a new dimension.

Epoxy floor coating also has the power of covering previous defects of the garage floor it may have sustained. AP Painting Solutions offers several designs and colour options to outfit your garage or room in the right tones. This can enable you to hide imperfections even more thoroughly, the durable substance into the paint color of your choice for a masking effect. We have options when it comes to a glimmery speckled look or a polished look, as all you need to do is choose what decorative chips to add to the epoxy mixture. You can redecorate in a practical way without sacrificing convenience with an epoxy floor finish.

2. Cost-effective. In comparison to other flooring options, epoxy is an affordable option. What makes epoxy flooring so practical is that your current flooring material doesn’t need to be removed, so it’s good to keep in mind that revamping your floor does not have to be expensive. What you’re really doing is retaining what you already have in place and that you’re gaining a smooth and bright new look. Bear in mind that installation requires a few new coats with drying time in between, but this still beats the amount of time and money that alternative flooring would cost.

3. Resistance. One of the key features of epoxy flooring is resistance. It can block harmful elements that usually affect high-traffic spaces and this adds to its reputation as a hardy flooring method and bears the brunt of heavy shock, heat, chemicals, and water. It’s perfect for garages since cars can emit many corrosive chemicals. It’s a good flooring option to have in Windsor because of the high flood risks and basement flooring is expensive to replace. Epoxy flooring offers ease of cleaning and provides peace of mind when it comes to flooding basements. It is resistant to shock, heat, chemicals, and water.

4. Protection. Epoxy is basically a sealant that protects concrete and other flooring. This strong shield goes right over the underlying surface and works like a preservation overlay because it keeps the concrete from cracking or wearing down. The surface is stain resistant and defect-free.

5. Eco-friendly. Despite epoxy being a chemical compound, it is an eco-friendly option because it only requires few materials and does not need to be continuously replaced. The environment benefits from the reduction in necessary materials and machinery, as other flooring installations require saws for cutting tiles or wood and other machines. Epoxy requires the tools for rolling it out, but the amount of appliances needed is much less than other flooring methods.

6. Strength. Epoxy is designed to handle substantial weight and this sets it apart from other adhesives as it is very sturdy. Adding epoxy to concrete can enhance its ability to hold weight. Certain kinds can even increase the concrete surface strength from about 3,000 pounds per square inch to 10,000 pounds per square inch.

7. Ease of maintenance. Another advantage of epoxy is its simple upkeep. Because the concrete is covered, there are less dust and cement particles released onto other surfaces into the garage or room. Unlike a plain concrete floor that is coarse but brittle, you can easily sweep and maintain the shiny and resilient surface of epoxy. Dust becomes less of a nuisance when the primary source of residual concrete is contained.

Call AP Painting Solutions Ltd. to Make an Appointment to quote your project’s needs.

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